These Valentino Replica Handbags are so hard to resist especially with their bright, sunshiny colors, which are perfect this summer. First released during Valentino’s Fall Winter 2016 Collection, these micro bags are a must-have if you want to add a touch of feminine flair to your outfit of the day (OOTD).
A small bag ideal for casual wear, the Valentino Replica Handbags features 100% calf leather that is further festooned with small studs around the edges, adding a touch of glam to its overall ensembles. Let’s talk more about the bag details. It features a new chic turn lock closure clasp on the front flap to secure your belongings in place. It also boasts of a shoulder strap so you can easily transition it from being a shoulder bag to a cross body bag.

If you are intimidated with its size, well think again as it also features functionality with its plenty of compartments! Mind you, it boasts of one back zip compartment, two internal compartments, and four internal card slots to keep your things organized.
It measures 12.5 x 18 x 2 (H x W x D) and is priced $1295 USD, €1100 euro, £995 GBP, $2100 SGD, $1850 CAD, ¥163000 JPY via replica hermes bags.